Stay updated with our latest activities.

What we're most proud of

800+ trees planted

6 local businesses recognized for sustainable practices

30+ regular volunteers spanning 4 working groups, and hundreds of supporters

3 major environmental advocacy campaigns completed at municipal and provincial levels

Trees are the souls of our region, and they play such an important role as both habitat for wildlife and also as infrastructure to prevent erosion, control flooding, and cool our homes. The Habitat Regeneration and Conservation working group gives away and plants trees in the spring. Tree planting is a fun activity that brings together volunteers of all ages from across the community. We planted over 700 trees in the spring of 2021!

Organized in collaboration with Mères au Front, the Prescott-Russell Community Assembly brought together residents from across our region to discuss the climate and ecological crises and what solutions we can implement both locally and globally. Feedback from the event has been submitted to the Global Assembly.

Climate Action Planning is a key step in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and municipalities have a role to play too – that’s why the Climate and Energy working group is both lobbying and supporting local governments to develop Climate Action Plans to assess and reduce greenhouse gas emissions at the municipal level.

Reduce, re-use, recycle! The Waste Reduction working group is dedicated to diverting waste from landfills, which means finding new ways of re-using the things we no longer need. Our community now has new Earthub locations where common items like milk bags, markers, egg cartons, pop can tabs, and more can be re-used and recycled. Next up: composting, zero-waste grocery shopping, and more!

Getting the community talking about environmental and sustainability issues is part of our mission, so we are creating discussions around municipal, provincial, and federal elections to ensure our candidates and elected representatives know how important these issues are to local residents.